CTE Announces Lomeyd V’oveyd – To Study and to Serve
Have you noticed the number of post-b’nei mitzvah who are returning to the Torat El bimah on Shabbat and Holy Days to assist the Rabbi by chanting Torah and Haftarah portions and leading sections of the service? These young people are part of Lomeyd V’oveyd (To Study and To Serve), an ongoing program started by Cantor Bruce Siegel and continued by Ritual Engagement Director, Ben Laskowitz to encourage our students to further develop their synagogue skills and to fulfill their obligation as B’nei Mitzvah by being of service to the congregation.
When a student has read 12 Torah aliyot, he or she will be presented with a beautiful tikkun (the special book used by Torah readers to prepare their portions). This volume, which will have the recipient’s name stamped in gold on the cover, contains not only the entire text of the Torah, but also all the haftarot, the five megillot, and a perpetual calendar.
When 18 aliyot have been read, the student will receive an ornate enamel yad (pointer) to be used during Torah readings.
With the completion of 24 aliyot, the student will earn the title of Baal or Baalah Korey (Master Reader). A special plaque will be mounted prominently in the synagogue for the purpose of honoring those who achieve this elite level of proficiency and service.
In addition to reading from the Torah, students will also receive credit toward these goals for chanting haftarot and for leading portions of the service.
All students and adults are eligible and encouraged to participate. If you have questions about any aspect of Lomeyd V’oveyd, please contact Ben Laskowitz, Director of Ritual Engagement.